2019 "Submerged", Solo, Cobra rummet, Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby

In my exhibition I thrived to make an atmosphere using several paintings on canvas and
paper, light installation and the video art filling the room with sounds.

Thanks to Soudal for sponsoring materials to the work "Pond"

Udstillingen blev brugt i en scene til den danske miniserie, "Pleaser" af Stine Rosenfeldt Bjerregaard.
Medvirkende: Stine Rosenfeldt Bjerregaard, Sofie Stougaard, Filippa Suenson, Barbara Gjerlulff Nyholm, Kasper Stensgaard.

The exhibition was back drop for a talk by Trine Ross for GOLDEN DAYS FESTIVAL held by Sophienholm museum.